Seventeen products from 14 companies have been selected as preliminary finalists of the 2022 Global LEAP Awards Off-Grid Cold Chain Challenge.


Seventeen products from 14 companies have been selected as preliminary finalists of the 2022 Global LEAP Awards Off-Grid Cold Chain Challenge (OGCCC). The OGCCC nomination window opened on June 29, 2021 and closed on August 29, 2021. The Global LEAP OGCCC received product nominations from 20 off-grid cold chain suppliers, distributors, off-grid energy developers and companies based in nine countries. Nominated cold storage units use either solar power, grid or hybrid energy sources to reduce food waste, empower local farmers and bring fresh produce to local and regional communities.

Preliminary finalists were determined based on their promising business models and energy-efficient, sustainable technologies that meet cold storage requirements for fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and dairy products in first-mile markets.

The preliminary finalist technologies are from the following companies:

The shortlisted technologies will undergo a six-month field assessment in Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and India. The Global LEAP will provide needs assessment-based grants to participating companies to offset costs associated with the field deployment. During the field assessment period, the technologies’ efficiency, quality and suitability will be remotely monitored and verified. The program will also collect qualitative data on business models and the technologies’ use and impact on beneficiaries. OGCCC finalists and winners, which are expected to be announced in Q3 2022, will be eligible for $100,000 in innovation cash prizes and other investment opportunities.

The 2022 Challenge is implemented by Efficiency for Access and CLASP with support from DOEN Foundation, IKEA FoundationForeign & Commonwealth Department Offices (FCDO) and Good Energies Foundation.

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